Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Chapter VII
Part IV
Part IV of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Supplemental
Section 286. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution...
Section 287. (1) The decisions of the Supreme court shall be en...
Section 288. (1) In exercising his powers under the foregoing p...
Section 289. No legal practitioner shall be qualified for appoi...
Section 290. (1) A person appointed to any judicial office shal...
Section 291. (1) A judicial officer appointed to the Supreme Co...
Section 292. (1) A judicial officer shall not be removed from h...
Section 293. Except for the purposes of exercising any jurisdic...
Section 294. (1) Every court established under this Constitutio...
Section 295. (1) Where any question as to the interpretation or...
Section 296. In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requ...
Part IV Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria