In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires‐
"counterfeit" applied to coin, means coin not genuine but resembling or apparently intended to resemble or pass for genuine coin, and includes genuine coin which has been prepared or altered so as to resemble or be apparently intended to resemble or pass for a coin of a higher denomination, or where the coin is that of a foreign sovereign or state, current coin, and also genuine coin which has been clipped or filed, or the size or weight of which has been otherwise diminished, and which has been prepared or altered so as to conceal such clipping, filing, or diminution: it includes any such coin whether it is or is not in a fit state to be uttered, and whether the process of preparation or alteration is or is not complete;
"current" applied to coins, means any coin of the coins or denominations coined for and lawfully current in Nigeria, and includes any other coin lawfully current in any other country;
"gold" and "silver" applied to coin, includes producing the appearance of gold or silver respectively by any means whatever;
"metal" includes any mixture or alloy of metals;
"nickel coin" includes any coin made of metal of a less value than the silver or alloy of silver used in the silver coin of the country in question, save that it does not include any of the coins of mixed metal current in Nigeria by virtue of any Act or the provisions of the Coins Act;
[Cap. C16.]
"silver coin" (except where it is used in the definition of "nickel coin") includes any of the coins of mixed metal current in Nigeria by virtue of any Act or the provisions of the Coins Act; and
"utter" includes using, dealing with, or acting upon, and attempting to use, deal with, or act upon, and attempting to induce any person to use, deal with, or act upon the thing in question as if it were genuine.
Section 146 of the Criminal Code Act in Nigeria
Act structure