Where a foreign contract is entered into before an authorized labour officer under section 40 (2) of this Act-
(a) the employer or his agent shall supply the authorized labour officer with a list of all the workers engaged under the contract;
(b) the authorized labour officer shall transmit the list as soon as possible to the officer in charge of police at the port of embarkation; and
(c) the said officer in charge of police (or a police officer acting under his direction) shall-
(i) superint end the embarka tion of the workers,
(ii) cause each worker to report himself so that his name may be checked with the list, and
(iii) on completi on of the check, report to the authoriz ed labour officer the fact of completi on and such other matters in connecti on with the embarka tion as he thinks necessar y.
Section 42 of the Labour Act in Nigeria
Act structure